This year, it’s time to cancel some of 2023’s annoying trends and gimmicks: from throwing truffle on everything (above) to outsized tomahawk steaks, four-hands meals and “rock-star chefs”.
Mouthing Off
by Andrew Sun
Mouthing Off
by Andrew Sun

6 annoying food trends I’d like to see less of in 2024, from truffle on everything to tomahawk steaks and fake meats

  • From alternative proteins to unwieldy tomahawk steaks and the overuse of truffle, here are six food trends that need to be consigned to history
  • With the new year, it’s time to set aside these stale gimmicks and tired ploys to get us to post on social media and part with our money

In with the new, out with the old.

With the New Year, we expect new ideas and exciting prospects in the food and hospitality industry. It also means good riddance to stale trends and tired ploys. Here are a few things I would like to see less of in 2024:

1. Alternative proteins

Vegetarian dining has come a long way from tofu and lentils. Bio-entrepreneurs have now created assorted plant-based “meats”, so even vegans can partake in hamburgers, chicken salads, minced pork and seafood.
A Beyond Burger: why would I eat fake meat if I want to take a break from real meat?

The results do resemble, and almost taste like, the real thing. But does anyone really like or want it? As a meat eater, if I’m taking a break from beef I’m not going to order imitation beef. I’ll just get aubergine Parmesan.

Most fake animal proteins are also highly processed and full of sodium. If you think they’re a healthy option, think again.

2. Four-hands dinners

Yes, menu collaborations between top chefs always feel interesting and special. But the reality is, cooks are consolidating for events because restaurants are having trouble finding patrons. They need to generate buzz, come up with gimmicks, and conjure any kind of magic to put bums on seats.

Four-handers on their own aren’t necessarily a bad thing, but let’s hope this year, chefs won’t have time to hang out at their mate’s place because they’re busy enough in their own kitchen.
Cooks seem to be putting truffles (or truffle oil) on everything. Photo: Shutterstock

3. Tired of truffles

Sorry, I’m just not a fancy fungi guy. Truffles, of both the white and black variety, used to be such an exclusive ingredient. It was a rare luxury to even get a whiff or taste of them.

Not any more. Now every burger shack, deep-fryer stall, and pretentious cha chaan teng can add a dash of truffle oil to “elevate” their mash potato, egg sandwich and fried rice.

Worse, when its intense aroma becomes ubiquitous – multicourse truffle tasting menu? No thanks – it can become unbearable. Some things are just better in moderation.

Chefs may think they’re rock stars, but can they spare us the loud music? Photo: Shutterstock

4. Let’s (not) get loud

A lot of chefs secretly want to be rock stars. They got the piercings, tattoos, and try to make their place a hip hang-out. Mostly, they show off their musical cred with curated playlists, cranked to the proverbial 11 on the speaker.

I love G-funk grooves, Rage Against The Machine riffs, and rude boy riddims as much as anyone, but I DON’T NEED TO HAVE IT BLASTED AT MAXIMUM VOLUME during dinner. It’s especially annoying if the meal was supposed to be convivial and I can’t even hear a friend ask for the salt.

Restaurants need to get rid of those high stools and low sofas and let their customers eat in comfort. Photo: Shutterstock

5. Eating on stools (or lounge sofas)

As an example of form over function, high stools and low sofas don’t belong in proper eating establishments. I’m sure designers think they look cool and give any space a different spatial dimension, but for many customers, they are uncomfortable as hell.

Unless you’re a giant, no one likes climbing up to sit on a high stool. The worst is when your legs end up dangling in mid air. As for soft couches, do you lean forward or lie back on them during a meal? It’s just an impossible setting for real adults to enjoy a proper meal.

Tomahawk steaks were fun in 2000, but are basically overpriced rib-eyes. Photo: Shutterstock

6. Tomahawk steaks

It’s 2024. Enough of this novelty, showboating cut of beef. It’s basically a rib-eye with the extended bone attached. For that privilege, you get to pay an extra 30 per cent on your bill.

When it gained popularity in the early 2000s, it was a fun spectacle. Now it’s banal Instagram fodder. Unless you’re saving the bone for a German shepherd at home, there’s no good reason for anyone wanting the full Tomahawk.