Feng shui tips for Dogs in the Year of the Snake, for health, wealth, luck and love
Feng shui master Andrew Kwan shares where to put crystals and flowers to maximise luck for Dogs, who are in for a good Year of the Snake

If your Chinese zodiac predicts a rough year ahead, fret not – feng shui is here to help.
The ancient practice also known as Chinese geomancy is said to help balance the energies of people and their environment. Some people consult it to mitigate bad luck and improve their prospects for health, wealth or love.
With origins in ancient Chinese philosophy and Taoism, feng shui is a holistic approach to living in harmony with the natural world.

This traditional practice seeks to optimise the flow of energy, or qi, by considering the placement of furniture, choice of colours and other items, and even the state of the surrounding landscape.
Imagine a home that is peaceful and energising, one in which you feel more relaxed and productive. Feng shui principles are said to help you achieve this by creating a space that supports your overall well-being.