
Profile | 80-year-old famed Singaporean artist Tang Da Wu on curiosity and being real with audiences as his latest solo exhibition opens

  • Tang Da Wu has been holding audiences rapt since the 1970s with his performances and installations addressing urgent social, environmental and nature issues
  • He was the driving force behind Singapore’s The Artists Village, the closure of which influences a piece in his latest solo exhibition, at ShanghART Gallery

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Singaporean artist Tang Da Wu paints with earth at the opening of his solo exhibition “3, 4, 5, I Don’t Like Fine Art” at ShanghART Gallery in Singapore on July 29, 2023. Photo: ShanghART

In a corner of Singapore’s ShanghART Gallery, 80-year old artist Tang Da Wu crouches down gingerly and smears orange earth onto the gallery walls using his fingers. Dressed in a torn shirt and frayed army trousers, he cuts an unassuming figure.


As the Singaporean works quietly, a crowd swells around him. Eventually a raw sketch of a snake strangling a boat emerges into view.

The performance is part of his solo exhibition titled “3, 4, 5, I Don’t Like Fine Art”.

“There’s no pre-drawing. I’m taking a risk. I like to embarrass myself,” he says, grinning.

Tang’s earth painting of a snake at ShanghART Gallery. Photo: ShanghART
Tang’s earth painting of a snake at ShanghART Gallery. Photo: ShanghART

One of Singapore’s most prominent artists, Tang has been holding audiences rapt since the 1970s with his spontaneous street performances and sprawling installations addressing urgent social and environmental issues.
