
China’s post-Covid economic health check

This series looks at the economic headwinds that China has faced in the first half of 2023.

Updated: 18 Jul, 2023

Delivery drivers with advanced degrees? The challenges facing China’s graduates

China’s people are highly educated, so where is the ‘talent dividend’? For many fresh graduates, ‘settling for an opportunity’ is the safer bet, even if it means their degrees go unused in practice.

18 Jul, 2023
Job fairs continue to be a big draw across China, luring young adults and fresh graduates who are finding it harder to put their degrees to good use. Photo: AFP

China’s ‘self-aware’ DINK couples, with no kids, weigh on demographic crisis

Many young couples in China are shunning government handouts and incentives to live a life unburdened by children, and the falling birth rate has economic implications that could span decades.

21 Jul, 2023
For many young couples, financial pressure and an uncertain future have left them content to lead a life without children. Photo: Shutterstock

Will ‘small-scale dip’ in China’s FDI inflow fuel a big crisis of confidence?

Ministry of Commerce’s head of foreign investment says ‘short-term fluctuations’ will not make investors less sure about China’s development, but foreign business chambers flag concerns.

25 Jul, 2023
Foreign direct investment in China fell by 2.7 per cent from January to June, year on year. Photo: AFP

China’s graduates pushed into cleaning jobs as it’s ‘better than staying home’

China has put job creation at the forefront of its economic plans and has encouraged the housekeeping industry to employ young people, after the youth unemployment rate hit a record high in June.

26 Jul, 2023
China’s youth unemployment rate for the 16-24 age group rose to a record 21.3 per cent in June. Photo: EPA-EFE

China’s concertgoers splurge, but will revenge spending rock the economy?

Beijing had hoped consumption could drive China’s economic recovery, but analysts question its sustainability despite more than 500 large-scale concerts and music festivals this year.

28 Jul, 2023
Concerts have been relentlessly trending on Chinese social media in recent months, and in the first half of the year, more than 500 large-scale gigs and music festivals were held in China. Illustration: Brian Wang