Opinion | By rising to US bait, China has lost its soft power advantage in Asia
- China is economically and politically poised to be Asia’s leading soft power, but its aggressive stance in the South China Sea has pushed neighbours towards the US
- Beijing can still win its diplomacy contest with Washington, but it will need to regain trust in the region

With the advantages of geographic permanency and burgeoning economic and political clout, China has a soft power edge in Asia. Its rival – the US – is hobbled by the tyranny of distance, its preoccupation elsewhere, its blatant self-interest and its overly militarist approach to international relations.
Indeed, driven by the push of Sinophobia and the pull of US offers to protect them, countries from Australia to Japan and from India to Indonesia are rapidly coalescing into an anti-China security camp.
Some of these missiles will be placed with more mobile US Marine littoral regiments in Japan’s southern islands, extending their reach. These regiments will also carry out joint exercises and surveillance in the disputed East China Sea and near Taiwan.