Opinion | Hong Kong’s solution to the housing problem must not sacrifice natural heritage
- Should areas of outstanding natural beauty be destroyed when there are better solutions to our housing problem?
- Given the government’s long-term housing strategy, using part of a golf course to build 12,000 flats seems to be a short-term move to deflect talk of elitism

Home ownership plays a primary role in wealth creation and protection, but too many people are finding it a struggle to secure such a financial foothold. In Hong Kong, creative solutions are required to address key issues and tackle the complex process of land acquisition so that we can meet demand now, and in the future.
A comprehensive solution will be a measure of our success as a progressive society and make Hong Kong an attractive place to live and work.
However, we also need to preserve our natural heritage for future generations. Access to the great outdoors and a myriad of healthy activities is important to the well-being of locals and visitors alike. Should areas of outstanding natural beauty be destroyed when there are better solutions to our housing problem?