Opinion | Why China’s governance model will be exported – whether Beijing likes it or not
- While transplanting China’s system elsewhere won’t work, hybrid forms can lead to economic success, especially when supported by Chinese direct investment
- Countries looking to become prosperous will inevitably consider the Chinese model, and it is only natural that China will entertain and exploit these overtures
Time and again, predictions of the Communist Party’s impending doom have come to nothing as its form of political governance has not only endured but thrived. The party has created a system that has rewritten China’s economic and social record in a short period of time.
While success of this formula is unique to China, it will not remain within China alone. The allure of its mode of political governance will be akin to the gravitational pull towards Chinese trade – whether Beijing likes it or not.
This success has come about through many factors, some unique to China but most common to many nations. What China has shown is that the fundamentals of its strategy have universal applicability, with a clear focus on what it wants to achieve, diagnosing issues and formulating guiding policies with coherent actions.