Opinion | China’s dual circulation strategy is a step towards sustainable trade
- The world is not turning its back on trade or globalisation, but it is being driven towards a more nuanced approach with a more realistic balance than the previous ‘more is better’ mindset
- The US, EU, Japan, India, Australia and other leading trade nations are also, to one degree or another, making similar adjustments. Expect the process to be messy
The prevailing presumption since at least the 1990s, across both developed and developing nations, has been the more trade, the better. The efficiencies and hoped-for geostrategic benefits of deep economic integration were seen as far outweighing any dislocations that might occur.
Whether by happenstance or design, China’s timing during this period was impeccable. It revved up its export engine at the precise moment the large markets of the West were most hospitable, both philosophically and fiscally, to absorbing Chinese imports and investing heavily in China.
This new era is being driven by the confluence of three factors. First, there is a growing belief in the West that it gravely underestimated the deleterious effects that accompanied China’s integration into the global trade system.
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