Opinion | For Japanese, stigma of the sick is a much greater fear than the coronavirus itself
- Those suspected of having Covid-19 are shunned and harassed, prompting the authorities to consider criminal prosecutions as people are discouraged from getting tested and companies hide infections for fear of losing business
The Covid-19 pandemic has been spreading fear worldwide: fear of being infected and, in the worst case, dying; fear of losing loved ones; fear of being laid off or devastated financially, and; fear of being isolated for a long time. Wherever you are in the world, this pandemic evokes these fears.
Concerned that such threats and harassment of the sick are discouraging individuals from taking coronavirus tests, Toyama’s prefectural police have suggested prosecuting such instances.
Koriyama Women’s high school, whose connected college had a coronavirus-infected faculty member, asked its students not to wear the school uniform because they, though perfectly healthy, had started becoming the targets of nasty words and public abuse. Family members of healthy college employees were shunned in certain public activities.