Opinion | Hong Kong doesn’t just need more housing, it must also find more ways to turn renters into owners
- The government’s backing for Lantau Tomorrow, reaffirmed in the budget speech, is a pragmatic solution to increasing the housing supply. At the same time, the home ownership rate must be boosted to give more people a stake in society
All the while I have lived in Hong Kong, the price and availability of residential accommodation have been burning issues. Governments come and go, but none seem able to solve the problem of how to put a reasonably priced roof over everyone’s head. As far as newspaper columnists searching for a topic are concerned, this subject just keeps on giving.
In the final year of the British administration, I recall, there was a performance pledge attached to the budget to provide 425,000 housing units over five years. That promise sailed away with the Royal Yacht Britannia.
So here we all are many years later. We still have the same problem and the same choice of solutions: either use statutory powers to resume large areas of agricultural land in the New Territories to develop new towns, or engage in large-scale reclamation.