
Letters | Hong Kong fully supports global biodiversity priorities

  • Readers discuss the Hong Kong government’s biodiversity efforts, how to improve access to Covid-19 records, and the Rohingya refugee crisis

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A Chinese white dolphin is seen at South Lantau Marine Park. This is Hong Kong’s sixth marine park, designated last year for better conservation of the Chinese white dolphin and its habitat. Photo: Sam Tsang
I refer to the editorial “More can be done to protect biodiversity” (October 17), which commented that Hong Kong is not meeting all the 20 Aichi goals under the Convention on Biological Diversity.
The Aichi biodiversity targets serve as a flexible framework for parties to the convention to set different goals, taking into account domestic priorities and capacities – they are not intended to be universally applicable, particularly at the city level.
To respond to the convention’s calls of action, Hong Kong has been providing inputs to the Central People’s Government. To protect Hong Kong’s biodiversity, the government promulgated the Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan in 2016. Major actions include establishing the Countryside Conservation Office to promote sustainable development of the remote countryside, launching the Countryside Conservation Funding Scheme, introducing laws to phase out the local ivory trade, increasing the penalty for illegal trade in endangered species, and introducing biodiversity as a consideration in planning guidelines and standards for new green buildings, as well as river revitalisation and other projects.


Interactive murals across Hong Kong aim to boost support for bill to combat wildlife trafficking

Interactive murals across Hong Kong aim to boost support for bill to combat wildlife trafficking

Also, as a special theme under the Environmental Education and Community Action Projects Funding Scheme, the Environment and Conservation Fund has earmarked HK$50 million (US$5.7 million) to support biodiversity projects since 2016.

Hong Kong’s sixth marine park, Southwest Lantau Marine Park, was designated in 2020 for better conservation of the Chinese white dolphin and its habitat. The Government is now designating the proposed South Lantau Marine Park (2,067 hectares) and the proposed North Lantau Marine Park (2,400 hectares). Upon completion of designation by 2022 and 2024 respectively, the total protected sea area will increase by 150 per cent to 8 500 hectares. The decline in the occurrence of Chinese white dolphins noted in the editorial should be a temporary response to reclamation and construction activities, and was predicted in the environmental impact assessment.

Furthermore, under the Northern Metropolis Development Strategy, the government will proactively enhance wetland conservation, gradually resuming scattered private wetlands and fish ponds of conservation value. Together with existing wetlands, we aim to form a contiguous protected wetland area of about 2,000 hectares. Wetland and nature parks will be designated for improving ecological functions and biodiversity, enhancing the city’s environmental capacity for sustainable development.

We observe closely the issues and priorities being discussed at the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) and will update the Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan to take into account the post-2020 global biodiversity framework to be announced, for building a more sustainable future for Hong Kong.

Shirley Yu, Assistant Director of Environmental Protection (Nature Conservation)
