Letters | From Hong Kong to Finland and beyond, the young are taking charge of their future
As a Briton who visits Hong Kong multiple times a month, I can’t help but notice the parallels between my country’s political quagmire and the uncertainty that currently engulfs Hong Kong. Brexit represented the biggest challenge to Britain when it shouldn’t have. Hong Kong similarly faces a complex future due to the difficult symbiotic relationship with China.
The noticeable similarity between these situations, and generally across the global political landscape, is that the key participants are all of a certain age group.
The world is changing socially, and our mindsets need to adapt to it. There needs to be a refocusing on micro-level politics that concern the day-to-day lives of those who represent the democracy we are fighting to save: from education and health to care for the elderly, these issues need to come back to the forefront.
Bringing this back to Hong Kong, I think the youth have shown they have much to vocalise and now is the time to do it, through the correct political and social channels focusing on the key areas mentioned above.