Opinion | The people need a second Brexit vote – this time on Theresa May’s desperate deal
- Kevin Rafferty says Theresa May and the Brexiteers have misled their country about what awaits after an EU split and the best thing to do would be to vote yet again
The letter and subsequent debates and political chicanery leading up to the key House of Commons vote on the deal must leave all Britons and anyone who cares about the country gravely worried about the future of the UK, whichever way the vote goes.
If Brexit goes ahead, as May has stubbornly promised, it will leave a diminished, poorer and still deeply divided Britain at the risk of breaking up; if the country clings on in the EU, bitter opponents will still be determined by hook or crook to smash the union and go back to the fantasyland when Britain ruled the world.
You might think that if she is appealing to the people, that would be because she is allowing them their say on the deal she cooked up; but no, she was asking them to put pressure on their local MPs, who will cast the make-or-break votes.