Opinion | To counter China, the US must rise above talk of race and a clash of civilisations
- Instead of appealing to the dangerous notion of a race war, the Trump administration should focus on China’s threat to global institutions. Allies that may not care to join a fight to safeguard US interests are more likely to do so to defend the liberal order
As a trial balloon, this apparent attempt to define the Trump administration’s confrontation with China did not fly.
By framing the creeping cold war between the US and China as a clash of civilisations, Skinner – whose position was once held by luminaries such as George Kennan, Paul Nitze, Richard N. Haass, and Anne-Marie Slaughter – was being neither original nor accurate.
Political scientist Samuel P. Huntington developed the concept more than a quarter of a century ago, and the Chinese Communist Party itself is an ideologically bankrupt entity.
One hopes Skinner’s talk of a clash between Caucasian and non-Caucasian civilisations was just a slip of the tongue. Those who would intentionally traffic in such ideas must know they could lead not just to the economic or military defeat of one side, but to the destruction of an entire society.