
Hong Kong needs more public open space, for people’s physical and mental well-being

Layla McCay and Paul Yip say a wealth of research points to the positive effects of public space, but it needs to be a natural environment, not a paved area with a few potted plants, for us to enjoy the full benefits

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Regular exposure to nature is particularly beneficial because it reduces stress and depression, while improving social and brain function. Illustration: Craig Stephens
Space is one of Hong Kong’s scarcest resources: a luxury commodity, available to those who can afford to pay. Sometimes, private space expands at the expense of public space. Even in public housing, private amenities like kitchens and bathrooms have driven the demise of communal facilities and seen us retreat further into our own small spaces, our neighbours becoming strangers. With half of the city’s households living in spaces smaller than 500 square feet, we need that public space to compensate; to stretch, relax, play and interact with our communities. It comes as no surprise to see so much mental unwellness arising from a shortage of space.

When we spend every day within a dense urban environment, it affects how we feel. It also affects our mental health: it can make us stressed, anxious and depressed. But it doesn’t have to. Densely built environments can strengthen any urban population’s ability to enjoy life, cope with stress, work productively and contribute to our communities. Public open space is at the heart of this effect. But Hong Kong has a public space deficit.

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We could learn from the groups of older people who punctuate Hong Kong’s morning and evening landscape with their postures. In this dense city, they find places to conduct a synchrony of tai chi, qigong or stretching exercises in public parks and housing estate gardens, university plazas, on piers and in other odd corners. By appropriating public space every day, they pick up three ingredients we all need to build our mental health resilience: physical activity, positive social interaction and nature exposure.

Physical activity does not only improve physical health; it improves mood, self-esteem and overall mental well-being. It can be as effective as medication for mild and moderate depression. But long working hours make it hard for some people to fit in exercise. Using convenient local spaces rather than having to travel to designated exercise venues can help. That’s why walkability is so valued in cities.
Ideally, we would all be walking daily in country parks, but many people lack time, energy or motivation. Urban walking integrates exercise into our daily routines without special effort. The MTR is particularly good at making us stride briskly through underground and overground walkways every day towards our destinations.

Increasing the city’s bikeability would further help integrate daily activity for more people, but safety concerns inhibit cycling as a practical mode of transport in Hong Kong. Perhaps a future Hong Kong will start to transfer some of the city’s infrastructure away from cars and towards protected cycling and walking routes to promote health for all. These opportunities should be considered in new developments like Kowloon East.

Raphael Cohen, CEO of, Hong Kong's first bike-sharing service, enjoys a ride in Sha Tin. Perhaps a future Hong Kong will start to transfer some of the city’s infrastructure away from cars and towards protected cycling and walking routes to promote health for all. Photo: Felix Wong
Raphael Cohen, CEO of, Hong Kong's first bike-sharing service, enjoys a ride in Sha Tin. Perhaps a future Hong Kong will start to transfer some of the city’s infrastructure away from cars and towards protected cycling and walking routes to promote health for all. Photo: Felix Wong

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Importantly, group exercisers do not just reap the benefits of regular physical activity; by meeting in public spaces they create community and belonging. This is enviable because, in a city of more than 7 million people, it is easy to feel isolated, ensconced in tiny enclosed spaces, suspended hundreds of feet above the social realm with scarce meaningful conversation.
