
Debate on Hong Kong independence is welcome, but propaganda banners are not

Ho Lok Sang says discussions on ‘Hong Kong independence’ should not be taboo at the city’s universities, but dialogue must not be confused with propaganda that challenges Chinese sovereignty and jeopardises public interest in the city

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Pro- and anti-independence leaflets posted on the “democracy wall” at Chinese University in Sha Tin, on September 7. Photo: Sam Tsang
The presidents of 10 universities in Hong Kong issued a joint statement last week, stressing their stand on “Hong Kong independence”. Declaring that they did not support the cause, they demanded that student bodies remove any propaganda promoting it, as such banners contravene the Basic Law, or the universities would do so. They also emphasised that freedom of speech has its limits and its abuse should not be tolerated.

Timothy O’Leary, head of the University of Hong Kong’s School of Humanities and chief of concern group HKU Vigilance, questioned the statement. “It would have been nice to know what argument they have for the banners being an ‘abuse’ of freedom of expression,” he posted on Facebook.

Over the weekend, Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung Kin-chung agreed that advocating “Hong Kong independence” was abuse of free speech, and that there was “no room for discussion of Hong Kong independence”.

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To me, a discussion on Hong Kong independence, or any other subject, should not be taboo at our universities. But propaganda is not discussion. Propaganda is a one-way message from proponents to viewers to promote the cause, while discussions involve a dialogue between its supporters and opponents. I would not ban such dialogue in universities.
If young people are not allowed to air their views, those with sound reasons and evidence to refute those views will never have the chance to confront them and explain why they are wrong. So I see only benefits in open discussion.

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Political propaganda, however, will not allow the necessary intellectual exchange to illuminate young minds. Professor O’Leary asks how the banners abuse the freedom of expression. My answer is simple: promoting independence on the presumption that it is good for Hong Kong is political propaganda. It challenges the sovereignty of China, and contravenes the Basic Law and the Chinese Constitution, which allows Hong Kong to exist as a Special Administrative Region of China.