Taiwan’s landmark ruling on same-sex marriage highlights the gulf with mainland China
Jerome A. Cohen says the decision to legalise gay marriage is the latest in progressive top court rulings that highlight Taiwan’s accomplishments in achieving democratic freedoms under the rule of law, and boosts its standing among democratic allies
The constitutional court has taken similar actions in other controversial situations in recent decades. For example, its decisions played a critical role in ending the power that Taiwan’s police long exercised outside the regular judicial system, to imprison anyone they chose to declare a “hooligan”. The court also required that the government end an abuse similar to the notorious “re-education through labour” recently abolished, at least in form, in mainland China.
The much more controversial same-sex decision reminds me of the landmark US Supreme Court Brown vs Board of Education ruling, which in 1954 led a divided America away from segregated schools and other previously legal segregation practices. Although Brown, like last week’s Taiwan case, generated a major backlash from many conservative groups, it proved a major step toward social progress.
Of course, the same-sex decision highlights the sad contrast between Taiwan’s flourishing version of the rule of law, democracy and human rights, and that of the mainland, which has become ever more repressive.