100-day record of Donald Trump’s imagination is a far cry from the reality
Douglas Paal says making so much of what he would achieve in his first 100 days in office has turned out to be an embarrassing mistake for the US president
Trump, approaching 100 days, says it’s been ‘a different kind of presidency’
Second, despite desperate repetition that he is driving the agenda with the priorities he laid out in his campaign, he is plainly falling way behind schedule in the key function that will give his disruptive agenda a chance: staffing his administration with a range of competent and knowledgeable officials.
Deciphering Trump’s tax-cut plan: only 200 words and seven numbers, but huge in ambition
But who will do the necessary work in those 100 days? There are literally only a handful of nominees in the confirmation pipeline, which itself usually takes months, to serve in thousands of policy positions subordinate to the concerned cabinet officers. The top cabinet members have worldwide responsibilities and demanding schedules and cannot be expected to do competent detailed negotiations.