
Allow debate on independence in Hong Kong schools – as long as the goal is to foster understanding

Anjali Hazari says we can learn from the US controversy over teaching evolutionary biology in schools; teachers need not shy away from the contentious topic of localism if the aim is to educate students

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A rally was held last month to protest against the banning of pro-independence candidates in Sunday’s Legislative Council election. Photo: AFP

How do we reconcile Article 1 of the Basic law, that the special administrative region is an inalienable part of China, and Article 27, which states that our students, and all others in Hong Kong, shall have freedom of speech?


Issues in this debate are getting confused. Whether outside groups should be allowed to advocate localism in schools, and whether this would be a threat to national security, is a separate issue from whether teachers should allow students to discuss localism in their classrooms. Encouraging debate among students should also be distinguished from encouraging talk on the independence movement.

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To me, this has a parallel with the controversy of teaching evolutionary biology in American schools. The First Amendment in the US Constitution calls for “a wall of separation between church and state” and ruled that the biblical narrative of the universe has no place in science classrooms.

However, because the boundary of this separation is ill-defined, there has been a contentious debate on whether the theory of intelligent design to explain the origin of life has a place next to Darwin’s theory of evolution. Are living things not a consequence of random natural selection, but best explained by the intelligent design theory? More importantly, are such debates beneficial to student learning?

People enter the Scopes Trial Museum in the basement of the Rhea County Courthouse in Dayton, Tennessee, during the annual Scopes Festival, to mark the famous US trial over the teaching of human evolution in schools. Photo: AP
People enter the Scopes Trial Museum in the basement of the Rhea County Courthouse in Dayton, Tennessee, during the annual Scopes Festival, to mark the famous US trial over the teaching of human evolution in schools. Photo: AP

Why Hong Kong schools provide an ideal platform for discussion of independence, and other contentious issues

Court cases in the US have contested various interpretations of the limits of the liberties allowed under the First Amendment. Thus, some states in the US have developed science standards that include learning about some of the controversies relating to evolution.
