The myth of Chinese social media user numbers

The China Internet Network Information Centre (CNNIC) released its 31st statistical report on country’s Internet development, which is the most important report by mainland authorities that huge number of investors, companies, research institutions and media outlets worldwide will have to rely on.

However, you might start doubting the reliability of the report by comparing just two simple figures published by CNNIC.

1. “By the end of 2012, China had 309 million Weibo users” -- Weibo refers Chinese Twitter-style social media site.

2. “By the end of 2012, China had 275 million social media users.”


So please clarify CNNIC that, does these numbers mean that you does not regard Weibo as “social media site”?

The second question is a bit complicated but also requires just basic math skills: according to the press releases by Sina and Tencent, top two Weibo service providers in China, the number of their Weibo user reached 300 million and 373 million by last March and May, respectively.
