
Abe's 'third arrow' will restructure Japan's economy for growth

Koichi Hamada says its focus on corporate deregulation and tax cuts will revitalise real economy

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The first and second arrows of Abenomics have achieved considerable success. The last arrow aims at increasing the economy's real productive capacity. Photo: EPA

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has unveiled his long-awaited growth strategy - the so-called "third arrow" of what has come to be known as "Abenomics". A preliminary version of the plan, announced to Japan's Diet last year, was met with disappointment in international financial markets. The new version is far more robust - and has received a far more positive global response.


Over the past 18 months, the first and second arrows of Abenomics - consisting of expansionary monetary and fiscal policies - have achieved considerable success in spurring Japan's economic renewal. For starters, they have fuelled price growth, with the gross domestic product price deflator declining from 3 per cent to nearly zero.

Moreover, the ratio of job openings to applicants, which fell to 0.4 under Japan's last government, is now approaching 1.1. Indeed, Japan is beginning to show signs of a labour shortage.


But the limits of Abenomics' first two arrows will soon be reached. With employment rising as Japan's economy moves towards realising potential output, monetary stimulus will create inflationary pressures and public expenditure will yield sharply diminishing returns. At that point, significant growth can be achieved only by increasing the economy's real productive capacity. That is what Abe's new growth strategy aims to achieve.

At the strategy's core is the removal of obstacles to growth for businesses, particularly the elimination or easing of regulatory barriers. Deregulation promises to bolster the ability of Japan's private sector, which already excels in hi-tech industries, to innovate and compete globally.
