
Don’t hold your breath for the yuan to be convertible, as stability trumps all in the Chinese Dream

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China will loosen grip on the yuan at a time of its own choosing. Photo: Reuters

Was it just me, or did the entire 204-member Central Committee of the Communist Party of China break into their cover version of Queen’s Xi is the Champion at the closing of the 19th Party Congress on Tuesday?


No? OK, then it was just me. Yet following the Congress, certainty, no one can be in any doubt of President Xi Jinping’s political supremacy and the vaulting ambitions for his “Chinese Dream,” particularly as it relates to the force projection of China’s influence abroad.

In fact, the party’s twice-a-decade meeting absolutely positioned China as the champion of globalisation and free trade, highlighting its multi-trillion dollar Belt and Road Initiativewhich is already creating trade links with Europe and Asia encompassing markets equivalent to almost one third of the global economy.

But as I listened to reports of the Congress, I could not help but note the incongruities and ambiguities inherent in China’s state-driven approach to promoting economic growth abroad. Foremost among, and representative of, these inconsistencies is the vexing issue of the convertibility of its currency, the renminbi.
