
Explainer | Shanghai, home to Tesla, SMIC and GM and Volkswagen’s Chinese partner, is the most important city for China’s economy. Here’s why

  • The mainland’s commercial and financial hub accounts for 3.8 per cent of national GDP and is home to the country’s biggest companies and busiest port
  • The impact of Shanghai’s weeks-long lockdown on the national economy underscores the city’s crucial role

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A cargo ship sails on the Huangpu River in Shanghai on May 9, 2022 Photo: EPA-EFE

The weeks-long Shanghai lockdown under China’s zero-Covid policy, which forced most of the city’s 26 million people indoors and brought manufacturing to a virtual standstill, has taken a heavy toll on China’s commercial and financial hub. At the same time, it has underscored the city’s crucial economic position not only in China but globally.


Here’s a look at the city’s economic weight.

Biggest GDP contributor among Chinese cities

In 2021, Shanghai recorded a gross domestic product of 4.32 trillion yuan (US$637 billion), with a year-on-year growth of 8.1 per cent. With 1.7 per cent of the nation’s total population, Shanghai accounted for more than 3.8 per cent of GDP – the biggest proportion among all mainland cities.

The city’s GDP exceeds the GDP of three other top-tier commercial centres – Beijing, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

An employee works at the assembly workshop of automaker SAIC Motor Company’s Lingang base in Shanghai on April 23, 2022. The partner of General Motors and Volkswagen is the top company in Shanghai by revenue. Photo: Xinhua
An employee works at the assembly workshop of automaker SAIC Motor Company’s Lingang base in Shanghai on April 23, 2022. The partner of General Motors and Volkswagen is the top company in Shanghai by revenue. Photo: Xinhua

Shanghai’s GDP also puts it in rare company globally, as one of only five cities to top 4 trillion yuan in GDP as of 2021. The other four are Beijing, which also achieved this level for the first time in 2021, Tokyo, New York and Los Angeles.
