
7 time management tips for people who are late. All. The. Damn. Time

Get your life on track: being fashionably late on occasion is one thing, but constantly making other people wait is disrespectful and puts you in a bad light

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7 time management tips for people who are late. All. The. Damn. Time

At some point or other, everyone is late for something. It’s easy to lose track of time, or believe an event starts later than it does. But if you are that person who is always last to turn up to a party, always has to sneak into a cinema 10 minutes after the movie begins, and always has to reschedule appointments because you just didn't get there on time, that's more likely a time-management problem.


Being able to manage time is very important, academically, professionally, and socially. Constantly being late may give others the impression that you think your time is more important than theirs. Making other people wait for you before they can order at a restaurant or set off on a trip might be okay once or twice, but after that it begins to look disrespectful.

Here are seven ways to get your time-management skills up to scratch.

1. Keep a to-do list

Sometimes, people are late because they forget about activities or events. Having a to-do list is handy, because it is a visual reminder of the things you’re aiming to accomplish today/this week/this month. It’s much harder to forget about something when it’s written down in front of you.
