
5 tips to help you master the art of small talk

The ability to chit-chat is an important social skill which helps to make networking less awkward and more productive

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5 tips to help you master the art of small talk

For introverts, social events and big gatherings can be terrifying; but even for extroverts, having distant, polite conversations about boring topics such the weather – in other words, making “small talk” – is even worse.


On a basic level, small talk allows you to socialise and talk to people without annoying or angering them by avoiding controversial topics. It also allows you to test the waters of a conversation, particularly when meeting someone for the first time. When you know nothing about a stranger’s personality or interests, it feels natural to talk about something completely neutral, like the weather. (Sure there’s a chance you could be talking to a hyper-enthusiastic meteorologist, but ... really?)

On the surface, small talk appears meaningless, which is why so many people avoid it. In reality, though, small talk serves an essential role in social situations. It is part of basic manners and courtesy – like holding the door open for the person behind you, or speaking respectfully to your elders.

When you meet someone new, think of small talk as a polite compromise or unspoken agreement to limit conversation to topics acceptable (or, at least, unoffensive) to everyone.

Because we know that small talk is necessary, here are some tips to improve your small-talking skills.

1 Keep it safe, but keep it real

The one thing that scares a lot of people is the lack of authenticity behind small talk. In other words, people worry they will appear disingenuous or come off as “fake”. Although small talk is meant to help maintain a healthy distance between yourself and the person you’re talking to, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be authentic and true to yourself; you just have to tone it down a little bit.

2 Read the news
