Ira Gorawara

Ira Gorawara

Intern, Sport
Ira was born and raised in Hong Kong and is now a student at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where she is the Sports editor of the Daily Bruin.

Amid the scraps and the tussles, Paris also made us cheer for humanity itself with moments that transcended the results on score sheets and the shattered records.

Some debutants left with newly found fame, while others simply added another page to their storied careers, while there were those who even became memes.

Since striking her first Olympic title in Tokyo three years ago, she has been catapulted into the international limelight, and her double golds in Paris entrenched her as China’s ‘diving darling’ and a global phenomenon.

The 29-year-old woman was detained for ‘maliciously fabricating information and blatantly slandered others’ after the table tennis women’s singles final.
