Huw Watkin
Huw Watkin
Huw began his career in journalism in Australia in the mid-1980’s before moving to Asia where he has lived and worked in Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Hong Kong. He is currently the principal of Drakon Associates, a research and investigation consultancy that focuses on the Asia Pacific, and continues to travel widely and write on a range of subjects and issues throughout the region.

Cambodia’s capital could lay legitimate claim to the title of ‘Pearl of the Orient’, and once boasted the most diverse architecture in Southeast Asia. But it’s losing its charms as its heritage is razed and high-rises sprout.

Murders in the Philippines are soaring as Duterte’s drug war fuels a culture of killing, prompting comparisons with the rule of dictator Marcos. And while Duterte is starting to look like his idol, the next wave of politicians are starting to look like Duterte

Smaller crews, competition from nations such as Vietnam and China, and an expected safety blacklist are among pressures driving a sharp decline in the number of Filipinos working at sea.

Thousands of children are being held in appalling conditions for petty crimes or because they have been abandoned. A law change to lower the age of criminal responsibility to 12 has been called an ‘act of violence against children’ by the UN.