Holly Chik
Holly Chik
Reporter, China
Holly Chik joined the Post as a reporter in 2019. Previously, she interned at Reuters in Hong Kong.

Since June 27 debate, the US president has confronted widespread concerns about his abilities, with some Democrats reportedly suggesting in private that he drop out.

The synthetic opioid, accounting for almost 70 per cent of drug overdose deaths in US, has been a flashpoint in relations with China, which Washington links to traffickers.


Federal officials and members of Congress repeatedly raise the need to address the national security risks and unfair trade practices posed by China’s technology sectors.


Trade tensions and ‘hostile public sentiment’ fuel findings, with dips in performance resembling 2020 when coronavirus pandemic hit globally.


‘We are increasing the risk for financial institutions dealing with Russia’s war economy and eliminating paths for evasion,’ US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says.


US State Department announces restrictions on officials following ruling in Hong Kong 47 case, but city government says it is not ‘intimidated by such despicable behaviour’.


Main causes for growing Sino-Russian relationship are Moscow’s decision to invade Ukraine and ‘China’s choice to enable Putin’s war’, official adds.


The meeting, to be held during the Shangri-La Dialogue next week, will be the first between Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin and Admiral Dong Jun since they spoke on the phone in April.


Make ‘knowledge-intensive sectors’ a focal point and remove import taxes that offer no strategic value and hit working Americans hard, economist says.


American agency accuses disease ecologist of taking part in ‘improper conduct’ as head of group that collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

America’s top diplomat describes Beijing as seeking ‘better relations with Europe’ while fuelling its ‘greatest security threat’ since the Cold War.


During their six-month stay on the Tiangong space station, the Chinese astronauts will carry out experiments on fish in a step towards raising other animals in space.


Study finds groundwater changes and building weight appear linked to subsidence; a quarter of China’s coastal land will sink below sea level within a century.


Scientist said results offered hope of stopping disease transmission to people: ‘The biocontrol method is based on findings from nature and does not require medical interventions for humans, such as vaccines and specific treatment’.


Hong Kong think tank says annual water use by Chinese data facilities – almost half of which are in dry regions – could more than double by 2030, while AI chatbots ‘drink staggering amounts of water’ to cool themselves down.


Flight between Zhongshan and megacity of Shenzhen takes around 45 minutes and costs 40 yuan (US$5.60) per order, according to UAV-maker Phoenix Wings, which is backed by Chinese logistics giant SF Express.


Origin Wukong shield shows ‘China’s home-grown superconducting quantum computer can play both offence and defence’: computing centre head.


‘Dangers are very close to us,’ Chinese web user says, citing radioactive waste storage facility in city 30km away from China’s Heilongjiang province.

Forum hosted by China’s internet watchdog urges Beijing and African countries to work with UN to establish artificial intelligence governing institution and calls for bigger role for developing countries in regulating the technology.
