Gerard A. Postiglione

Gerard A. Postiglione

Dr Gerard A. Postiglione is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Hong Kong and coordinator of the Consortium for Research on Higher Education in Asia.

Talk of a “mainlandisation” of academics in Hong Kong is baseless and only hurts the intellectual vitality and dedication of the research enterprise. Recent developments in the US should serve as a warning.

As the US and China double down on national security, they risk undoing decades of international academic cooperation and exchange. In the process, they are likely to undermine economic growth and social stability.

During a visit to Renmin University, President Xi Jinping called for Chinese universities to create an independent knowledge system and safeguard their independence. In addition, Chinese universities, having already gained global prestige from their rapid rise in the international rankings, may see little gain in settling for a plateau.


Singapore has been an open academic society with considerable academic freedom and independence, but there are also restrictions – many of them unwritten. The Lion City highlights how carefully crafted limitations can coexist with a successful academic system.
