Farah Abdessamad

Farah Abdessamad

Farah Abdessamad is a French-Tunisian writer based in New York City. You can follow her on Twitter @farahstlouis

It may be grotesque to fear death but it is far worse to have deathbed regrets. As more people around the world go into quarantine or self-isolation, it is a time to explore connectedness and find tranquillity.


Written, drawn, and narrated by a survivor of the communist regime’s brutal four-year rule of Cambodia, Year of the Rabbit is a moving and gripping account of one family’s experiences under Angkar.

‘A New Sun Rises Over the Old Land’, translated into English for the first time, captures the zeitgeist of 1960s Cambodia and its accompanying hope, before the dark days of the Khmer Rouge that were to follow.