Beatrice Go
Beatrice Go
SCMP Contributor
Beatrice Go is a freelance journalist and researcher based in the Philippines. She covers Philippine and international sport, women in sport and socio-cultural issues within sport. She previously worked with Nobel Peace Prize-winning newsroom Rappler.

Motorsport world has its eyes set on 18-year-old, who is the first woman in McLaren’s driver development programme. Bustamante will make her debut in the Formula 4 race at the Macau Grand Prix on Sunday.

Already sure of creating a legacy just by being there, Philippines women’s team created shift in support and won hearts of a nation whose No 1 sport has never been football.

The region boasts world-leading women weightlifters, gymnasts, cricket players and swimmers, to name just a few. But all too often the amount of financial backing they’ve received hasn’t matched their sporting success.
