
Jinhui Shipping 'fed up' with Grand China

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Jinhui Shipping & Transportation, a dry-bulk shipping company, will do 'everything and anything' to recover almost US$10 million it is owed by mainland shipping company Grand China Logistics (GCL).


The undertaking came after news that GCL, which is controlled by parent company HNA Group, paid about US$2 million to Greek shipping owner Vafias Group last week to cover unpaid charter payments on a 177,000 deadweight tonne (dwt) Capesize bulk cargo ship.

'We are going to take whatever action it requires to secure our rights,' said Jinhui vice-chairman Raymond Ching Wei-man.


Asked whether this included arresting Grand China ships or taking the company to court, Ching said the action would include 'everything and anything'. But the recovery action would focus on GCL's shipping operations, which include business run by associates Grand China Shipping and Grand China Shipping Development, rather than on other parts of the HNA Group which include Hong Kong Airlines and Hong Kong Express Airways. Jinhui, which is 54.8 per cent owned by Jinhui Holdings, has already won arbitration awards in London against GCL and expects to win a third award for about US$5 million.

The Hong Kong-headquartered, Oslo-listed shipping company, is one of about 10 shipping firms owed money by GCL. Others include Norwegian outfits Golden Ocean and Spar Shipping. Noble Chartering, an offshoot of the Hong Kong-headquartered commodities group, also faced difficulties on a Grand China ship it took on charter.
