A changing educational landscape can make it especially challenging to find the right school for your child, but also brings new opportunities for those who are quick to adapt.
Changes are certainly coming thick and fast in Hong Kong's education system. Next year the first students will sit the new Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education in Form Six and universities will switch over to four-year degrees.
With these key reforms come a host of related developments, not least the 'double cohort' of local students - twice the normal number - entering universities in 2012, when the last students also sit the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examinations in Form Seven.
This guide aims to help you keep one step ahead of the reforms and navigate through the complex and often confusing options, pathways and requirements of Hong Kong's multi-layered education system.
The number of new Hong Kong students enrolling at independent schools in the UK soared by more than 20 per cent last year, with agents pointing to parental anxiety about the education reforms as a key factor.
Our guide examines the overseas boarding boom and why parents are packing their children off to study in Britain and Australia.
Flight from the HKDSE may turn out to be ill-founded - and that is certainly very likely in the longer term. We look at the growing international recognition for the new diploma and the scores required for admission to leading universities around the world.