
Files destroyed without approval, former official says

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Many government records have been destroyed without the approval of the director of the Government Records Service, according to the former holder of the post.


Simon Chu Fook-keung, who is now a member of a pressure group seeking archives legislation, also revealed that the government had not sent any confidential government files to the records office since the 1997 handover for fear of the public viewing them.

The Records Management Manual, which came into effect in 2001, states that any destruction of records has to be endorsed by the director of the service. But Chu said that 'many government records were destroyed without my endorsement'.


'Sometimes when I received requests for my approval for destruction of records, I found some files which may have historical value and requested to examine them. Then the officials would say the files were lost or withdraw their applications. The files could have sensitive information, and they refused to let us examine them,' said Chu, who retired in 2007 and now lectures at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Chu said the government is afraid that once a record goes into the Public Records Building in Kwun Tong for preservation, it will be available for public view. 'If the records reveal many bad things about the government, officials will not want them to stay in our archives,' Chu said. 'The government does not trust us as we always ask for archives legislation and access to information.'
