Experience is an important factor behind achievements in the business world. The four-member team, who clinched the top prize in the Hong Kong Management Game 2010, will undoubtedly agree - since this is the second time they triumphed after finishing first in 2007.
The winning team comprised Edmond Lee, an accounting graduate from Baptist University, who recently began an auditing career with Deloitte; Louis Ho, a fourth-year civil engineering student at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Sam Wong, a City University finance graduate, who is now a corporate finance analyst at a local firm; and team captain Eric Chan, an actuarial science student who is in his first year at Chinese University.
They beat 23 teams, winning a total cash prize of HK$25,000, four round-trip airline tickets to Singapore, and a trophy. They will represent Hong Kong in the Asian Management Game to be held here next month.
The first and second runners-up received cash prizes of HK$10,000 and HK$5,000, respectively.
Prizes were awarded at the offices of the games' organiser, the Hong Kong Management Association, last Saturday.
The Hong Kong Management Game, first launched in 1971, pits competing teams of at least four people against each other in business simulations.