
Giving students a voice for a lifetime of learning

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Hong Kong's education reforms enter their crucial phase with the launch of the new senior secondary structure next year, a decade on since the soul-searching began on what our community wanted from its school system.


As reforms progress towards their goal, it is worth remembering what they are all about.

At heart are the interests of students - creating an environment in which young people thrive as learners, ready to be proactive, independent thinkers contributing to a society that increasingly values knowledge and thinking skills over the passive submission suited to the old factory age.


Underpinning that ideal is something quite radical, but not widely articulated in Hong Kong. If students are to become lifelong learners, and active local and global citizens, they need to be viewed differently and given a new role in shaping their education. By being active, valued and motivated in youth, so they will be as adults. This is what student voice is about.

Student voice isn't just some form of democratic participation in education, although it will support the development of healthy democratic society.
