What treatment did you have?
Therapeutic massage, including kneading, acupressure and deep pressure massage to release tension and stimulate circulation.
What was the atmosphere like?
Think luxury country club with lots of polished wood and marble - the sort of place you'd imagine a hot-shot lawyer or top banker heads to after winning a big case or closing a deal. After a dip in the deliciously warm pool, I took a nice long shower and pampered myself with the L'Occitane products before donning a robe and heading off upstairs to the treatment rooms, which have great views across Victoria Harbour.
How was the treatment?
The 90-minute session flew by and included massage and acupressure on most of my body, from top to toe. The therapist was clearly well trained and found the stiff muscles in my shoulder and arm that had been giving me problems. She concentrated on those tight muscle groups and I could feel the stress draining away as she kneaded and pummelled. I opted for medium pressure and, although I certainly felt it, it was never painful. After the treatment I was advised to spend 10 minutes or so in the sauna to help the muscles relax. A word of advice: the more water you pour on the hot rocks the hotter it gets.