Breathe easy
Jac Vidgen offers a series of free talks on the Buteyko breathing method. Today, 8pm-10pm, Drs Owens, Trodd & Partners, G122A, 109 Repulse Bay Rd, Repulse Bay; next week in Wan Chai and Sai Kung. Inquiries: 9378 5185
That flying feeling
Swathi Maa leads a paramashiva yoga introductory workshop which will be 'a jet flight to divinity'. Today, 7.15pm-9.45pm, New Age Shop, 7 Old Bailey St, SoHo, HK$350. Inquiries: 2810 8694
James Robinson leads a healing workshop called 'More truth shall set you free'. Today, 7pm-9.30pm, Shakti Healing Circle, 3/F Waga Commercial Centre, 99 Wellington St, Central, HK$560. Inquiries: 2521 5099