
Retail sales surge as stock market boom fuels shopping frenzy

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The 'golden week' holiday just ended provided a bonanza for Hong Kong and mainland retailers as holidaymakers helped lift sales by up to 40 per cent at some popular outlets.


Retailers attributed the surge in sales to the festive mood among shoppers, whose spending power and positive sentiment were buoyed by bullish stock markets.

Ports Design, a mainland high-end fashion retailer that carries the Ports 1961 and Ports International brands, reported that sales from October 1 to October 4 surpassed the year-ago level by 35 per cent.


'Beijing and Shanghai appeared to be the strongest in the growth of retail sales,' said Ports chief executive Alfred Chan Kai-tai. 'Consumers appeared to be in a very festive mood and to be willing to use credit a lot more than last year.'

Hong Kong mid-range fashion retailer I.T said sales revenues earned between September 29 and October 3 were up 12 per cent locally and 40 per cent in the mainland. 'Growth in sales was across all brands and cities, with Beijing performing best,' said vice-chairman and managing director William Lo Wing-yan.
