CLP Power defends plan to build liquefied natural gas station on South Soko Island, saying it's key to meeting emission targets
Environmentalists have lashed out at CLP Power's choice of South Soko Island for its liquefied natural gas terminal, saying approval should not be rushed.
The terminal, if approved, will receive gas by ship to feed the company's power station in Black Point.
The power company has said the LNG project is crucial to its capability to meet the 2010 emission targets, agreed between Hong Kong and Guangdong as part of moves to impove air quality.
Yesterday, CLP commercial director Richard Lancaster said the Soko island site had been chosen because the project could be completed faster, there would be significantly less reclamation and the terminal could coexist with the marine park.
However the company did not make public the contents of the environmental impact assessment report that covered the potential sites of Black Point and South Soko Island. The report has yet to be submitted to the Environmental Protection Department.