
Reunion Reflections

I recently returned from my 35th business school reunion and began to reflect on all that has happened to me and my classmates over those intervening years. ..

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I recently returned from my 35th business school reunion and began to reflect on all that has happened to me and my classmates over those intervening years.  Yes, we are all a bit greyer (those of us who still have hair) and a bit wider around the waist, but I think we are also a bit wiser and have a perspective on our lives and careers that could be useful to those just starting out on the MBA journey.  My classmates and I have taken many different paths and have had many different experiences.  We talked at length about our careers, our families, the “next steps” in our life journeys and of course, reminisced about our time at school.  In most cases, my classmates are satisfied with how things have turned out.  However, I can’t help but wonder if we would have taken the same paths if we knew then what we know now. 
Here then, with some 35 years of hindsight, are some of the key lessons that my classmates and I have learned.  I think they could be extremely useful to anyone just starting out on their business school adventure. 
1) Keep learning.  One of the things that I noticed among my classmates was that those that seemed to have the most positive outlook on their lives and careers were those that continually spent time learning new things and taking on new experiences.  Whether it was learning a new language, travelling the world or shouldering new responsibilities in their work, the challenges and excitement of these new activities seemed to keep them fresh, energised and positive.  Lifelong learning isn’t simply a means to get ahead in business; it’s a way to keep your mind fresh, your focus sharp and your energy level at its peak. 
2) Stay connected.  As you might expect from a reunion, it was great to catch up with many of my classmates.  It was fun to hear how their careers have progressed, what their families are up to and what they plan for the next stage of life.  However, it would have been even more fun to have stayed in touch with them throughout the past 35 years.  It would have been nice to have shared in their struggles and successes while they were happening.  Given today’s technology, it’s so much simpler to stay in touch.  As you begin your business school career, you have the chance to stay connected to your classmates in ways that I never did – take advantage of that.  Build as many relationships as you can and stay in touch.  You’ll find it will bring terrific rewards – both personal and professional.