
Want to be a Chinese diplomat? Developers have a program that emulates China’s ‘Wolf Warrior’ rhetoric

  • Unknown developers have made a program that emulates China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying – in full wolf warrior style
  • Chinese diplomats have been taking a more aggressive stance on Twitter amid a range of political and economic flashpoints this year

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A program that emulates Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying will condemn or praise your country at the click of a mouse. Photo: Kyodo

Amid rising economic tensions with the US and a variety of political flashpoints across the globe, Chinese diplomacy has taken an aggressive turn in the past year.

“Wolf Warrior” diplomats, named after a popular series of testosterone-fuelled patriotic action flicks, have waged a public war of words on social media such as Twitter, on topics ranging from the Covid-19 pandemic to alleged crimes by Australian soldiers in Afghanistan.

And those wanting to emulate this tough approach now have help to froth at the mouth – a text generator made by unknown software developers that automatically comes up with praise or condemnation of other countries’ actions by mimicking the tone of past speeches by top officials at China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The text generator, uploaded on open source code-hosting platform GitHub, reproduces the formulaic style of China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying, well-known for her Wolf Warrior statements. Users simply type in the object of the sentence and the action for which they are condemned or praised, and the text generator will reproduce an entire press release.
